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Showing posts from February, 2015

Essbase for Beginners: Data Block concepts Part B

Below concepts involve Data Blocks in some way or the other, so to understand how Data Blocks behave it’s good to understand these concepts: Let's Begin!! Compression Clean and Dirty Blocks Fragmentation Restructure Compression: When Essbase stores blocks to disk, it can compress the data blocks using one of the following compression methods, this is based on the type of data that is being loaded into the Essbase database. Essbase provides several options for data compression: 1. Bitmap compression : This is the default compression method. Essbase stores only non-missing values and uses a bitmapping scheme. A bitmap uses one bit for each cell in the data block, whether the cell value is missing or non-missing. When a data block is not compressed, Essbase uses 8 bytes to store every non-missing cell. 2. Run-length encoding (RLE): Essbase compresses repetitive, consecutive values --any value that repeats three or more times consecutively, including...

O2B Utility :@hyperionplanningandmore

O2B Utility There are  times when we have to query the Hyperion Planning Application's relational database to get the Auditing reports, alas! we don't have an option to get them from our Planning interface. Many times we have wondered how to get the list of dimension members, data forms, there layouts, users security reports, task list status, supporting details, account annotations etc. What if there is a web based utility to take care of all this and more....!! My good friend, Rahul Sharma has taken the effort to design this utility .. Pleased to share the details on my blog: Let's start working on O2B Utility: What is O2B and How its useful to me ??? How to deploy it to Weblogic: