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EPMA Search Member Function Does Not Find Hierarchy Members Below Shared Parent

So this is a published bug in EPMA for Hyperion Financial Management Version and later only, However, I have experienced this issue to be coming up in Planning applications. SYMPTOMS In Enterprise Performance Management Architect (EPMA)  if you move or include an existing parent member as a shared member underneath a different or new parent then the children rolling up to the first parent will not be shown. If Parent member is shared in an hierarchy, all levels below that shared level can not be found while using "Find Members" through Smart View neither can be drilled down through Smart View. Search member result is "No member found", although this member is part of the Hierarchy. CAUSE EPMA is behaving as expected. SOLUTION When we drill the Shared Member we are unable to see the level0 members in the template in generic.  However, if we change one of the MEMBER OPTIONS of retrieval in our Smart View -> Options ...
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Planning Web form not saving my data….

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Temp files related issues on your Essbase Server

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Essbase for Beginners: Data Block concepts Part B

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O2B Utility :@hyperionplanningandmore

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Essbase for Beginners: Data Block concepts Part A

An Essbase outline has a number of dimensions.  The number of dimensions can range in quantity and size, but each dimension is identified as a dense or sparse dimension.  As we understood the concept of Dense and Sparse in our last discussion, let’s begin with the cocept of data blocks now. To understand this, let’s carry forward our hierarchy of 5 dimensions in a test application in my previous post.. We have 3 dense and 2 sparse dimensions each with 3 stored members. So let’s begin: Number of Existing Blocks = (potential number of blocks) * estimated density= 9 Block Size = Dense Stored * Dense Stored * Dense Stored * 8 bytes = 3*3*3 *8 = 216 Potential number of blocks = Sparse Stored * Sparse Stored = 9 If all dimensions are assigned as Dense, Number of Existing Blocks = (potential number of blocks) * estimated density= 1 Block Size = Dense Stored * Dense Stored * Dense Stored * 8 bytes = 3*3*3*3*3 *8 = 1944 Potential number of bloc...

Essbase for Beginners : Dense & Sparse - How well do we understand it ?

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